Ahhh, the laundry room. As soon as I think the laundry room is clean and tidy it gets dirty. No matter what I do, I cannot seem to keep this space cleaned up! Maybe it’s the endless loads of laundry I do each week…

This new years (yay 2022!) I was determined to clean up my act. I needed to do something that felt good and made me happy: cleaning. Even though I HATE the process of cleaning, the end result is literally the best. There is something about a freshly cleaned house that makes everything feel right.

Here is what I’ve learned over the years. Start small. Before, I would be like “yep, cleaning the whole house today!!” It would either take up my entire day or I would get frustrated that it wasn’t finished in the long run. I’ve learned to focus on small spaces within my home to make it a more manageable task for myself. So, this new year I decided to start in my laundry room!

Brace yourselves. I am going to show you the before pictures of what I was dealing with.

Alright, it isn’t THAT bad, but it wasn’t great. It was much messier than I wanted it to be (just like the rest of my house… don’t get me started) and I ultimately wanted to refresh the laundry room to clean it up!

Here is what I did:

1. Folded all the laundry that needed to be folded. Raise your hand if you loath folding laundry. Like I HATE it with a passion. Least favorite activity. End of story. As you can probably tell from the pictures, I had several loads that needed to be folded so that was the first on the to do list.

2. Then I cleared off the washer and drier to clean the tops of them. I usually will use a disinfectant spray to get all or any germs off of the surfaces.

3. Clear off the counter tops and sink area. Once I cleared off the countertop and sink I was again used my disinfectant spray to clear off the surfaces. Let me tell you… they were not clean. It is truly amazing how disgusting such a small space can get!

4. Put detergent, softener, stain removers, and drier sheets into their new containers! I’ll be honest, I’ve never done this before. First timer here and I LOVE IT! I really visually dislike all the containers out in my house (laundry room, pantry, etc.). I finally decided to get some containers off of Amazon that I’ve been eyeing up the last couple months. They are linked below!

5. Lastly, I finished up by clearing away any garbage and placed my new containers where I wanted them in the room!

It wasn’t much of a transformation, but honestly it feels SO good to walk into the laundry room and feel like it finally isn’t a disaster. What do you think? What do you want to refresh this new year in you home?


