All opinions and reviews posted on Mama Carlson are my personal outlook and opinion of an item or product. All content shown is original unless it is otherwise stated. Content and images on the blog should not be used without my consent. I may receive a commission for clicks or purchases made through the links provided on the website at no additional cost to you. Though the information provided on this Website and its Content is believed to be accurate, this Website assumes no liability for the use or misuse of information and/or products. My thoughts and posts are entirely my own.
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Affiliate Links: Some of the links on Mama Carlson are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a small commission from the affiliate at no additional cost to you. I am an affiliate because I use or believe the products will add value to my audience. I do not recommend a product just because I’m an affiliate.
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Product Reviews: On Mama Carlson you will read product reviews and read about my honest opinion. All content is original and written by Erica Carlson (Mama Carlson creator). If you have any questions about products or the content on this blog, please contact Erica Carlson.