You are NOT alone

You. Are. Not. Alone. Read that three more times… in the moment do you feel 100% isolated from everyone you love? Absolutely. But believe me, you will get through this one way or another. As I sat in the doctor's office and heard the tech say “I’m sorry but this is not a viable pregnancy, there is no heartbeat” was life shattering. To be completely honest, the next hour was a complete and utter blur. Was I alone? No. Even though the feeling was empty, my husband was there with me the whole time and didn’t leave my side. This brings me to my next point. 

Reach out to people and share your experience

Reaching out to people after a loss can be scary. Will they comfort me? Will they think I’m overreacting? What will they say? All these questions were streaming through my head as I navigated this uncharted territory. Let me tell you… when you start opening up about the experience you went through, SO MANY people will share their story as well. Don’t get me wrong, it took me months to even mutter the words “I had a miscarriage” out of my mouth, but once I did a weight was lifted off my shoulders. The countless people that I had reaching out to me was overwhelming. In that moment, you start to feel that you are not alone. Time to time, I will post on social media about my experience I went through (3 years ago now) and I have someone new reaching out to me *almost* everytime. Yes, it is 1000% terrifying to share something to this magnitude, but I promise it will be worth it. *If you have experienced a loss and need someone to talk to, do not hesitate to contact me.*

Do something for YOU

So now what? Grief is presented in so many forms and ways from person to person. You may feel “back to normal” sooner or later than others, and that’s okay!! Everyone has a different timeline, so embrace it. As I was grieving my loss, I found that doing things for myself was so beneficial. 

  • Get your nails done. Why not get pampered a little? A little TLC goes a long way. For me, getting my nails done was one of them. It boosted my confidence and made me feel a little more human. 

  • Get your hair done. This is always such a good way to make yourself feel like you again. Personally speaking, this is when I am able to relax and blow off some steam. Plus, you look mighty fine when you’re walking out of the salon! 

  • Workout! Working out is a great way to blow off steam. Whenever I work out, it gives my brain a chance to focus on something different. I can focus on my body and my breathing. *Remember to consult a doctor to be cleared to workout after a miscarraige* 

  • Cook or bake. This was another outlet for me. Did I gain some weight? Uh duh! Baking allows me to be messy and fun while trying something absolutely delicious most of the time :)

  • Crafting. Gotta love a good ole craft time! I’m a sucker for sitting down and just drawing or creating something. Try something new or different! The possibilities are endless. 


