For some reason, I am always at a loss as what to put on my dining room table. While I LOVE extravagant arrangements, they just aren’t super functional and on the flip side, the functional arrangements just don’t do it for me. This fall I was determined to find something that would match my vision! 

Hobby Lobby did it again. I ended up venturing into Hobby Lobby one Saturday morning, because really, why not? I needed some me time and that was just the place to do it. I was hoping to find a centerpiece stable item that I could change throughout the holiday seasons for my dining room table. I stumbled upon the PERFECT one! 

AHHHH. I am obsessed with this thing. I didn’t want wood because I have a wood table. I LOVE the size because it fills a lot of my table but isn’t obnoxious. I also really like that it isn’t filled with anything, because then I can make it into what I want! I usually find that if I buy a pre-arranged centerpiece I get bored super fast. I am someone who needs to switch it up frequently! 

As I was continuing my search of goodies at Hobby Lobby I found some more finds that would be the perfect fit for my trough. I ended up finding some dried Eucalyptus, beaded garland, and small pumpkins. Obviously there was WAY more purchased but that’s for another post :) **Unfortunately a lot of the items I got at Hobby Lobby is already sold out :( so I found almost identical items off of Amazon, check it out below!

Once I got home, I was ready to create my masterpiece. I already had some white pumpkin garland that I wanted to reuse, so first I got all of my supplies out and ready to go!

  1. Place down the Eucalyptus as the “bed” leaving some hanging over the edge so it was appealing to the eye. I’m not gonna lie… this took me SO many tries. After I felt like I had a good base. It’s okay if it takes awhile!!

  2. Right now, there isn’t much. All you should have is the eucalyptus down, so now it’s time to fill in the gaps! Start to place the pumpkins that you have in a variety of spots. Again, this took me awhile to get it where I wanted it to be. I tried to place a variety of colors and sizes in different places so it was interesting to the eye.

  3. Last step!! Once you have all the eucalyptus and pumpkins down, your last step is to place the garland. As you can probably guess, it took several tries for me to place this one too. I tried to weave the garland in and out of different pumpkins, but I started in the CENTER. Depending on what you like, you can keep the ends of the garland together OR you can put the ends on opposite sides.

Here is the BEST part….

This centerpiece can be changed to adapt to the seasons. BAM. This particular design was obviously for fall, but you can change out the items within your trough and customize to your liking! I will be switching out these fall items for Christmas very soon and I’ll be sure to post it when I do :)

Comment below: what’s your favorite season to decorate???

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